
Cycling in Singapore in the next five years

Here at Mighty Velo, the folding bike specialist in Singapore, many customers often ask us, “Is Singapore bicycle-friendly?”. The answer is yes! Cy...

When a girl builds a Birdy bike from scratch

Read on to learn about an opportunity that an intern had to build a Birdy bike from scratch for her internship!

Why Should You Get A Bike Now & Not Wait Indefinitely Till Phase 2?

  With the Circuit Breaker having ended, most Singaporeans are rejoicing over their long-awaited freedom. However, the end of Circuit Breaker doesn...

Birdy Foldable Bikes: The History of Pacific Cycles

Find out more about the history of Pacific Cycles and the famous Birdy foldable bikes in our article. Read on to learn about both of their long his...

The History of Birdy Bicycles

A brief history behind the globally recognised Birdy Performance folding bikes. Find out how two German engineering students built this iconic fold...

Cycling and Keeping Fit with a Birdy

Find out how you can stay fit at home and in your neighbourhood by cycling! Read on to learn which Birdy bicycle is best suited for your riding needs.